16 April 2008

and welcome.

Welcome to the world of blogging. Who knows what I'll actually blog about. But more people are putting their thoughts down on the world wide internets and I thought I'd join them. Thank you, blogger friends, for (perhaps unconciously) urging me toward this fate. And thank you Google, megalomaniac company o' the millennium, for providing a free and easy template where all bloggers are welcome.

And speaking of Google, I just discovered an option on GoogleChat for going "invisible." So this means you can see which of your friends are online but said friends can't see you; it just looks like you're not signed in to chat with them. Here's the kicker: "You are invisible," says Google. "Go visible" (with a link to sign back into chat). 

Sometimes those two short sentences feel a bit too real. 

1 comment:

  1. hihihi. i'm such a blog lurker. not yet a blogger. perhaps i'll start. the main themes of mine will probably be favorite peanut butter and dreams of my cat eating me.
