11 June 2009

ask the experts

Found this site when I was looking for some interwebs advice on how to tie up my new clothesline to the poles in the back yard. Well, upon further investigation (and am yet to hang up the line) there are experts for just so many of our needs! One of my favorites:

Preparing for Online Dating -- powered by ExpertVillage.com
Summary: "Watch as an expert bachelor discusses how to approach online dating in this free online video about attracting women."

Expert bachelor!! and he's the author of How to Become a Professional Bachelor!

So after watching, I decided I wasn't that impressed or convinced to give online dating a go, but he does have other videos in the series which I may need to watch before cementing my decision. However, I did decide he could really truly be a professional bachelor for, post-viewing, I imagined a dinner out with him-- nice restaurant where you sit at the table with really good posture, dim lights, fancy wine, polished silverware, the occasional hand-touching-across-the-table (just on cue), no lull in the focused-on-you conversation-- and that would be all I'd be able to handle of him and no more. Bachelor status: maintained.

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