08 June 2008


i just watched that movie and it was amazing and i loved it. and then upon returning it to its netflix case i wondered, "hm, who is the director so i can watch more of this person's movies?" and saw "murdered" in the info blurb and read it a couple times to make sure my tired eyes weren't deceiving me. did you guys know this? certainly you do, but man what a sad story. i googled her name, adrienne shelly, and found her wikipedia page and probably you already know this, being superb internets users that you are, but that movie was just so good and this is such craziness-in-the-sad-way that i had to connect with someone out there. 

the wiki page. 


  1. Felicity's mean husband was in Clueless. Another useless bit of information provided to you by Rebek.
