03 April 2009

needed it. now i'm sharing it.

I came over here without a camera and already have wanted to take multiple multiple pictures. All I have is my lousy camera on my phone, but I'm sharing the glory in all its sad-quality crappiness anyway.

I've been so stressed with school lately that I haven't been able to see beyond my front door, hypothetical or literal. So coming over here and breathing fresh ocean air and feeling sand between my toes and swinging on the swings with just myself and my thoughts (and my high-quality blackberry camera) was so refreshing and the good kind of overwhelming I had a couple tears.

Also, and I'll just throw this out there, with breaks from the waking life in mind and memories of europe and seattle and good music and good people, I miss you brother.

And friends, I think we should all be together soon. Hang outs are in order.


  1. oh man, yes. hanging out should happen. steve and i were cooking up a tater tot/david bazan dvd viewing party. interested?

    p.s. i'm watching an interview with biz stone, co-founder of twitter. coincidence (interrobang)

  2. I saw his name last week and almost blogged about it! we all twitter and my name is biz and his name is biz and this is the second biz i've heard of in recent months and wtf? how did he get the name biz?! (interrobannnnngah) and yes when's the bazan hizzah?
